1959-60 Ignition, Door & Trunk Locks - GM OEM Octagon Head Keys (New)
Keyed alike, one key works all lock cylinders; The door locks have the GM long cylinder (3/4" pawl shaft); 2-door hardtops & convertibles used the long cylinder
1966-67 Gto; 1967 Chevelle Lock Set W/Oem Octagon Shaped Keys (New) Set includes igntion, door & trunk lock cylinders MUDSCPR Powered by eBay Turbo Lister The free...
55-57 Chevy Car Ignition Door Glove Trunk Lock Kit W/Flat Pawls (New) Original/OEM Octagon head shaped keys; Keyed alike so that on key works all locks 55-57 models used two different pawls,...
1958 Chevy Car Ignition Door Trunk Lock Cylinders &Amp; Keys (New) Orginal/OEM Octagon head keys; Kit includes short door lock cylinders Keyed alike so that one key work all locks In 58-64...
1959 Chevy Car Ignition Door Trunk Lock Cylinders & Keys (New) Orginal/OEM Octagon head keys; Kit includes long door lock cylinders Keyed alike so that one key work all locks In 58-64 Chevy...
55-57 Chevy Car Ignition Door Trunk Lock Cylinders (New) Orginal/OEM Octagon head keys; Locks include "U" pawls, which trip the latch In 55-57 Chevy used two different pawls, according to body...